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Proud to present: A ‘new age’ GP-LP matchmaking event in the market!

By May 18, 2020May 30th, 2022No Comments

c*funds has partnered up with TNW, The Next Web Conference, one of the largest tech events in Europe.

1-2 October 2020, the conference will take place, with inspirational and industry-transforming startups, keynotes.

We are excited to launch there in this year a new age GP-LP matchmaking event for VC’s and Investors. With this event, fundraising VC’s can 1:1 meet with potential investors and pitch their fund. This event, in contrast to many other PE events, is accessible with the price and will bring exciting industry-related discussions with real questions and dilemmas. “VC’s can meet and approach relevant LP’s fast and easy”.

Reserve the dates 1-2 October 2020 with 50% discounted code for early-bird tickets for LPs! For more info about participation please send an email to [email protected]