EU funding can be an overwhelming array of possibilities with a difficult bureaucratic infrastructure. Many startups want to get involved and apply but do not know where to start, are uncertain which funding they should go for, what elements are of importance in their applications or have applied, did not receive funding and want to know where it went wrong. c*funds knows the large amount of time and resources it takes to apply and wants to aid startups towards the most effective and efficient way of tackling the EU funding ‘jungle’.
We love receiving practical tips, tricks and tools as much as the next company so therefore on the 25th and 28th of September that is exactly what you will be receiving from us!
On Monday the 25th of September we present the B. Amsterdam Bootcamp. During the Amsterdam Capital Week, in collaboration with B. Amsterdam and EU Startup Services, c*funds is presenting all the practical tools on how to prevent failures, learn to speak the EU language, provide an EU funds roadmap and show you some best practices to learn from both mistakes and of course the big winners!
Please click here for the event: https://goo.gl/9VDWR1
On Thursday the 28th of September c*funds is collaborating with the Startup Boot to give an interactive session on the EU funding which you can apply for, show you the EU funding roadmap and of course give those practical tips, tricks and tools which can make your startup that successful applicant.
Please click here for the event: https://goo.gl/Q6vpVA
We make the sessions as interactive as possible to give you space to ask questions specifically related to your funding worries and pains. Afterwards there is of course time to mix and mingle, get more personalized feedback and network away.
See you all there and let’s get well funded!